Location: Singapore

nothing much, normal guy

Monday, October 23, 2006

woah, i'm sad man =( after knowing the impression i've created in my 2-year-long fellow classmate's mind is some wild cat on steriod waving in a shop window =(

ahhhhhhh, so sad, now i know what kind of impression i have portrayed of myself man, oh man, this is total sadness, heartbroken, depressed, in distress, dying... =( at least link me with something cooler lah, like erm, a MONKEY x) then kenneth's impression is a retarded cat on steriods =( this is sad man...

ANYWAY, today had our first training in erm like two weeks, and i just so happen to be blur and forgot my contact lense >.< which resulted in me dropping the ball two times, and might cost my position as a winger =(

POST note: (ehh, and due to some reason, blogger screwed up and i forgot what i'm suppose to type here, this is what's left of my original post)-------->all my classmates are either firstly, mugger toots who have no life, secondly, have life for retarded things but no time for sports, thirdly, sportly declined, so it's relatively difficult to find someone to hang around with you know =) coz all they do are mainly, 1. dotaing, 2. ATTEMPTS to flirt with girls, 3. fooling around purposelessly, 4. mugs (and yes, even after exams, mugging for next year man) xp so yah, my overall view on my class =) and this is precisely why i cant find people to go out with, because my social circle is small, and within the small social circle, are mainly boring people =(

that's about all i have to say bahhhh, my blog is dying....... and i'm lazy to type xp


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